Constraint Satisfaction Problems
Subset of search
Find values for a set of variables, subject to constraints
Variables can be discrete or continuous
Key terms
- Consistent/Legal Assignment
- Partial Assignment
- Complete Assignment
Constraint Types
Consider Sudoku
Let's write this as a CSP
Recall N Queens
Let's write this as a CSP
Think about Class Scheduling
How can we solve these?
Consider this graph
Consider this graph
Better Ordering
Min Remaining Values (vertex)
Degree (vertex)
Least Constraining Value (var value)
Forward Checking / Look Ahead
Constraint Propagation
Choices for one variable limit choices for the next ...
Local consistency $\rightarrow$ Global consistency
Consider Binary constraints
Constraint Propagation
Node Consistency
Every value in domain satisfies unary constraints
$D(x) = \mathbb{Z^+}$
$C=\{(x < 8), (x\ge 5)\}$
The restricted domain $D(x)=\{5,6,7\}$ makes $x$ node-consistent
Constraint Propagation
Arc/Edge Consistency
Applies to binary constraints and defined over pairs of variables
$\forall\ x\in D(x), \exists\ y\in D(y)$ such that $(x,y)$ satisfy all binary constraints over $x$ and $y$
(Every value in domain of $x$ has a legal value in domain of $y$)
A CSP is arc-consistent if all pairs of variables are arc-consistent
Constraint Propagation
Arc/Edge Consistency
(Every value in domain of $x$ has a legal value in domain of $y$)
$X=\{x, y\}$
$D(x) = D(y) = \mathbb{Z}_{[0,9]}$
$C=\{(y = x^2)\}$
The following restricted domain set makes $x$ arc-consistent wrt $y$
$D(x) = \{0,1,2,3\}$
$D(y) = \{0,1,4,9\}$
Constraint Propagation
Arc/Edge Consistency
Is arc-consistency symmetric?
$X=\{x, y\}$
$D(x) = \{2,3,4,5\}, D(y) = \{1,3,4,5,6\}$
$C=\{(x < y)\}$
$\forall\ x\in D(x), \exists\ y\in D(y);\; x < y$
$\nexists\ x\in D(x)\ \forall\ y\in D(y);\; x < y$
Constraint Propagation
Path Consistency
A 2-variable set $(x, y)$ is path-consistent with a third variable, $z$ if
$\forall\ \textrm{valid assignments } (x=a, y=b), \exists\ (z=c)$
that satisfies constraints on $(x, z)$ and $(z, y)$
Constraint Propagation
Path Consistency
$\forall\ \textrm{valid assignments } (x=a, y=b), \exists\ (z=c)$
that satisfies constraints on $(x, z)$ and $(z, y)$
Constraint Propagation
Path Consistency
$\forall\ \textrm{valid assignments } (x=a, y=b), \exists\ (z=c)$
that satisfies constraints on $(x, z)$ and $(z, y)$
Constraint Propagation
For every valid assignment to a set of $k-1$ variables,
there exists a valid assignment to the $k^{th}$ variable
Does not imply $k-1$ consistency
$x < 3$
$x < y$
$x + y = z$
$D(x) = \{2, 4\}$
$D(y) = \{1, 3\}$
$D(z) = \{3, 4, 5\}$