Categorizing AI Environments

  • Fully Observable v/s Partially Observable
  • Single Agent v/s Multi Agent
  • Deterministic v/s Non-Deterministic
  • Episodic v/s Sequential
  • Static v/s Dynamic
  • Discrete v/s Continuous
  • Known v/s Unknown

Let's now think about building an AI

Consider the Missionaries and Cannibals game...

Consider the Missionaries and Cannibals game...


Representation: State Space Graph

Nodes: States or World Configurations

Edges: Actions

Edge Weights: Cost of Action

Successor/Transition Function: Set of Edges & Edge Weights

Path: Sequence of Actions

Solution: A Path leading from Start to Goal


Assume a Fully Observable, Static, Deterministic, Known environment (for now)

Let us try and formalize the following problems.

Route Planning

  • State Space
  • Start & End State
  • Successor/Transition Function (Action & Cost)
    • When riding the T?
    • When driving?

Maze Solving

  • State Space
  • Start & End State
  • Successor/Transition Function (Action & Cost)

8 Puzzle

  • State Space
    • How many possible states?
  • Start & End State
  • Successor/Transition Function (Action & Cost)


  • State Space
    • How many possible states?
  • Start & End State
  • Successor/Transition Function (Action & Cost)

Depth First Search

From start state, explore one branch, until leaf node reached.

If goal not found along path, backtrack to last branch and continue.

Let's try this on an example!

Depth First Search

Depth First Search

Is DFS complete?

Is DFS optimal?

How would you implement it?

Hint: Stacks or Recursion!

Depth First Search

Let's check out how stupid DFS can be.

Breadth First Search

From start state, explore all neighbors.

If goal not found, explore all neighbors of neighbors.

Let's try this on the same example!

Breadth First Search

Breadth First Search

Is BFS complete?

Is BFS optimal?

How would you implement it?

Hint: Queues!

Breadth First Search

Let's check out how expensive BFS can be.

A Hybrid Approach - Iterative Deepening

Run DFS limited to depth of 1.

Run DFS limited to depth of 2.


Run DFS limited to depth of n.

A Hybrid Approach - Iterative Deepening

Is Iterative Deepening complete?

Is Iterative Deepening optimal?

Why is this useful?

How much extra work are we doing?

What do BFS, DFS & IDS have in common?

Not Cost Sensitive!

Uninformed Searches - no clue if getting closer to goal

Unnecessary Search Tree Expansion

What can we do?

Uniform Cost Search

Extending BFS to Weighted Graphs

Uniform Cost Search

  • Instead of a queue, use a priority queue
  • Priority is based on the cost of the path
  • Always expand the least costly path

Uniform Cost Search

								function UCS ( G , s, goal ):
									PQ.push( 0, s, [] )
									while PQ is not empty:
										c, v, path = PQ.pop()
										if v not visited:
											mark v as visited
											if v == goal:
												return path
											for all neighbors w of v:
												if w not visited:
													PQ.push( c + WT(v, w), w, path )	

Towards Informed Search


Estimates of how good the next state is

Approximations, not necessarily exact values

Can often be quickly computed

Examples of


  • Mazes - Distance to goal
  • 8-puzzle - Number of tiles out of place
  • Driving - Straight line distance * constant factor

Properties of


Admissible Heuristics

Never overestimates cost to goal

Consistent Heuristics

For every node $n$ and every successor node $n'$
$h(n) \le c(n \rightarrow n') + h(n')$